Mary Midgley, ‘Rings and Books’

1.1 Aspects Of Isolation
To start off this series, I talk about the pros and cons of isolation with Mary Midgley’s essay ‘Rings and Books’ in mind. Although being alone can be helpful for focusing, being alone too much makes it easier to think about the world only in terms of your own self and ignore the needs and experiences of others.
1.2 Open to Disruption
Continuing on the theme from the last episode, here I expand on how isolation and one-sided thinking shows up in philosophical thought.
1.3 What is Missing in Philosophy? (a conversation)
In this episode, I chat with Ellie Robson about the role of philosophy in everyday life and the topics that are not getting enough attention in the discipline.1.4 How Do We See Ourselves?: Midgley and Gaia (a conversation)
I’m back with Ellie Robson again, this time to talk about topics she thinks are missing from philosophical discourse. Following Mary Midgley, we take a look at common conceptions of ‘human’ and how we might think of our place in this world a little differently. Instead of imagining ourselves as independent beings, what if we saw ourselves as dependent and embedded in the world?